Rugby Academy

Palmer, Tom.

Shephard, David.

Series: Rugby Academy ; Vol: 13
296 pages
This book is also dyslexia friendly. Contents: Combat zone -- Surface to air -- Deadlocked.
Summary: Combat zone: Borderlands is no ordinary school - all of the students boarding there have parents in the armed forces, and the UK is drawing perilously close to war in the Middle East. New boy Woody is desperate to escape the school and find his way to his dad's military base, but his dad has been mobilised. He's gone. Worried and unhappy, Woody turns to the only thing that could help get him through - rugby. Surface to air: The Borderlands boarding school rugby team have made it into the European Rugby Championship Tournament. They're enjoying their time in France, but Rory and the rest of the team can't help thinking about each of their parents, serving overseas in the growing conflict in the Central Asian Republic. Can the boys focus on the game enough to win the final and make it to the International Tournament? Deadlocked: The Borderlands team has made it to the World Championships in New Zealand, but the strain of divisions within the squad and worry for their Forces parents' safety have the boys well and truly rattled. Can they pull it together and bring the trophy home? A sporting story set against the backdrop of war and the effect of conflict on the families of those serving overseas.
Ages 7+
Rugby Academy ;
Custom 2
Combat zone.
Surface to air.
Dead locked.
Location edition Bar Code due date
General Fiction B07878
Genre:School stories.
Sports stories.
Dewey:F PAL